Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother Nature VS. Mother's Nature

Springtime is finally arriving in Chicago. I don’t recall a more beautiful display of flowering trees and shrubs in recent years. Sailboats are making their way down the river and out into the Lake for the beginning of the season. (Things that make you go, “Life is good.”)

However, the rest of the country is literally awash in disasters.

All of us who have such treasured memories of the sugar-white beaches of South Alabama and North Florida and of the marsh lands at the mouth of the Mississippi are biting our nails awaiting the tracking news of the mass of oil emanating from the ruptured BP oil rig off the Louisiana coast. While winds and gulf currents have kept it at bay, for the most part, today it is reaching the Chandeleur Islands.

Tomorrow, British Petroleum lowers the large metal cap over the leak at a depth which this technology has never performed. Keep your fingers crossed. BP has indicated that if this fails, the spillage could reach 1.7 million gallons per day. Speaking of things crossed, did John Boehner imply that we needed “more” offshore drilling? (Things which make you go, "Oh great tanned wonder, the cocoa butter has seeped into some of you.")

Poor Nashville is under water. In the outlying areas, even school buildings are riding down the river like a pre-fabricated steamer minus the paddle wheel. Now, when Katrina devastated New Orleans, Pat Robertson blamed it on the city’s immorality. Everyone seems really quiet about Nashville’s Opry Land Hotel whose various lobbys are like reflecting pools. Does this mean that God is upset about the hotel being the site of the recent national meeting of the Tea Party? (Things that make you go “Hmmmmm.”)

The NYC bomber was apprehended before he flew to Dubai. It seems the “no-fly” list failed momentarily. Well, it has failed a number of times. Mildred Fowler was detained and not allowed to board her flight to the Mary Kay Convention because a passenger reported seeing something very suspicious as she was attempting to repack her bags in order to avoid a luggage fee. “Mildred, you never carry a toy pistol as a gift to your grandson. (Things that make you go, “Were you even thinking?”)

I congratulate the NYPD and the other agencies on catching the perpetrator of the failed terrorist attempt. However, you have to be a bit annoyed if you are the guy changing shirts on the street near the vehicle. That captured surveillance image was posted all over the web. Now his wife is wondering why he needed to change shirts before getting home? (Things that make you go, “Uh oh.”)

This weekend is one of the Hallmark holidays – “Mother’s Day.” Usually at this time, I am frantically phoning my sister in Alabama to get some idea of what my mother would like as a gift. She loved pink and she loved flowers. Sadly, she is no longer with us and I miss her. I miss her purple hair and her signature fragrance both a part of her nature. (Things that make you go, “Who sells Nina Ricci?”)

I miss both of them, the ones that stumbled upon my hollow log.

They were great folks and despite my many stories that evoke laughter at their eccentricities, they were two very wonderful people. (Things that make you go, “Thank you.”)

1 comment:

  1. Joe, I enjoyed your comments about your Mother. They brought back some happy memories. I still miss her; she was a special lady.
    Maggie Murphy
