Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blogless In Chicago

Gracia: Adoration Of The Child

My son reminded me earlier this week that I am falling behind with my blog entries. It was a gentle prod, but nevertheless, it pointed to my frustration.

I have started four or five or more entries without any real desire to complete them. They ranged from my frustrations with “change for the sake of change, not in response to a need” to the failure of people and groups to assimilate.

There was also the great photo that opens this post. This resulted from the youngest of the “little people” (my grandchildren) assembling her favorite characters in a type of “Adoration of the Child." However, that idea fizzled as well, along with a story about the "middle one" in Dallas and her obsession with her "dancing shoes."

There was the “birds and bees” and my father’s inability to deal with the subject. When asked about my being born, my parents told me that I was found in a hollow log while they were walking in the woods. There is so much trauma lodged in that concept that I qualify for free therapy on a daily basis. Did they stumble upon the wrong log by mistake? Am I really a Rockefeller? Will the anti-abortionists take on the logging interests?

There was the incident of the adopted child being shipped back to Russia.
Since when I asked my mother, "Am I adopted?" and her response was, "Bless your heart, had you been adopted we would have sent you back," this rang too close to home.

I am livid with national politics, but have probably overstayed my “blog welcome” on that series of subjects.

And for all those who have insisted that “offshore drilling” was an “ok” concept, you might want to stand at the mouth of the Mississippi in the next couple of days to witness the impending disaster along the Louisiana coast. European offshore wells are required to have “remote shut-off valves” but not in the US. Like “mine safety,” it would be a cumbersome burden to place such requirements upon an industry.

And then there is the craziness that is also known as Arizona. Blame it on the cactus? There was a brief foray into the ever-changing ideals of their senator. Maybe it is time to retire and work with the family beer business?

Sarah has been quiet for the past couple of days.

I thought about writing about the guy in cardiac rehab who breezes in boisterously to have a go on the “NuStep” after announcing to the nurse that he had two pieces of pound cake for his breakfast.

I continue to pray that Oprah will discover the joy of anonymous altruism.

So, I am blogless for the moment.

I am awake from all the noise inside my head - why does cellular technology change so rapidly? the hollow log, possible adoption, does the tanning salon give John Boehner frequent flyer miles? - waiting for the muse.

Why do Southerners feel "Bless your heart" will solve all our problems?

1 comment:

  1. A great entry, especially for someone who is blogless. Love the photo - could be an award-winner.
