Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Killed Off Norman Lear


My readers informed me that Norman Lear is indeed alive. I am very happy about that. I never meant him any harm. Somewhere among Maude and Archie, I mistakenly thought he had also joined the list along with “Weezy” Jefferson.

Mr. Lear is alive and well and living in California. He owns the only copy of the Declaration of Independence to be found in private hands. The Norman Lear Center at USC is a research and public policy center devoted to multidisciplinary studies bridging entertainment, commerce, and society. He founded PFAW, People For The American Way, a liberal advocacy group.

So, why did I think otherwise? Why did I kill off Norman Lear?

Lear brought us biting social commentary. Albeit, sometimes misunderstood and misappropriated. I miss that. I am tired of bad singers becoming major talents. I am bored with sexually-driven comedy. One reality show per decade is enough. I am not interested in Tiger’s “on air” confession. I want Oprah to learn the joy of anonymous charity, but I digress.

Can you imagine missing the collision with the station wagon filled with nuns had Loretta Haggers been able to do “American Idol” instead?

I have become my father in the fact that I am constantly scouring the newspaper. My friends know that it will be the New York Times. Those who follow these “elder rantings” also are aware of my frustrations with the very vocal conservatives who seem to relentlessly attack the ideals and programs of which I feel so strongly otherwise. I get very excited when David Brooks agrees with the President. I worry that Evan Bayh has given up the fight.

Maybe I feared that the voice of the left has grown too quiet. If you compromise you ideals enough, there is nothing left to challenge the spirit.

Maybe I worry that politics is now considered a career path rather than a way to give something back to your country. If it is your “job” you worry about being re-elected. If it is your service, you do so until you are told you are no longer needed.

I wonder if the “Right-wing” would be upset if they were aware that the entire concept of Left versus Right grew out of France? Mr. Jones and Mr. Ney, any comments?

Enough with the bickering. There are people in need. Serve them!

Welcome back Norman, and thanks. Your premature death was an

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